How to clear the app cache on your iPhone and why is it important to do so?

What are the applications that use the most battery on your iPhone?

The operating system of the smartphones de Apple It draws attention for its optimal functioning. It is no wonder, since the company has been working for years to achieve perfection. Although this is not without problems, such as those that can sometimes generate too much information and data in the internal storage space of our mobile. Precisely, today we will explain to you how to clear the app cache on your iPhone and why it is important to do so, With which we aim to achieve a more satisfactory experience when using these powerful devices.

The cache of a given application will confirm all the data and information that it temporarily stores in the storage space of your device. If you have been an Android user, you will know that clearing an app's cache is relatively simple. In iOS it is not done in the same way, and although it is actually quite simple, you must follow all the steps that we will mention.

How to clear the app cache on your iPhone and why is it important to do so? How to clear the app cache on your iPhone and why it is important to do so

Very different from what happens on Android devices, iOS has a few more limitations when it comes to clearing the cache of an app natively. Although there are some applications that allow it, these are not the majority, for those that do not have this option, the process is totally different.

Clearing the application cache on your iPhone is relatively simple, as long as the app has this option.

For which you only have to follow a few steps:

  1. The first will be to open the Settings app from your iPhone.
  2. Here, you will have to access the Applications section.
  3. Explore the list of apps that will be shown to you.
  4. In it you can find both the apps installed by default on your iPhone like the ones you have installed yourself.
  5. Search this list that app for which you want to clear the cache and press on it.
  6. You will be shown a list of options, you must select the one Clear the cache.
  7. Wait a few seconds so that all the data is deleted and that's it.

Alternatively to these steps, you can follow another method to delete the cache of some apps on your iPhone. These are:

  1. Open the Settings app on your mobile device
  2. slide your finger on the screen and press the General option.
  3. Click on the iPhone Storage option to find the app you want to clear the cache for.
  4. Choose the Delete option and that's it! In this way you will have correctly deleted the cache of any application on your iPhone

Use Safari to clear your iPhone cache and cookiesHow to clear the app cache on your iPhone and why it is important to do so

This is something you can do through the Safari app on your iPhone. in which you will be able to delete all the data that is collected when browsing web pages that you have visited at some point. Safari is the only app that allows you to delete the cache directly in its user interface.

It also allows you delete recent searches and all cookies, in addition to all those permissions that you have granted to some websites to access, for example, your location and many other data.

¿Cómo hacerlo?

  1. Firstly, you will have to access the Safari app from your iPhone.
  2. Tap the options menu and then, click on the Recent option.
  3. Choose the Delete option, which allows you to delete history for a certain period of time.
  4. All that remains is to select how much you want to delete from the aforementioned history.
  5. If you have more than one profile configured in the app, select that one in which you want to make the changes.
  6. Also you can choose all profiles at once and that's it.
  7. Finally, Tap the Clear History option and wait for it to end.

And for the rest of the apps? How to clear the app cache on your iPhone and why it is important to do so

Although it may seem absurd in some ways, Apple does not allow its users to clear the cache of many of its apps without having to delete the application to do so. We previously saw that although the option is available for certain apps, this is more the exception than the rule. For the rest of the apps, you have to delete them.

Follow the following steps to do it:

  1. Access the Settings app.
  2. Then to the General section and slide your finger on the screen until you locate the iPhone Storage option.
  3. Here you will only have to choose the app that you want to delete from the list of apps that will be shown to you.
  4. press this option to finish.

It may seem very drastic to delete an application from your iPhone, but if we want to help our iPhone optimize its financing This is the best we can do about it. Also, remember that as long as these are linked to our iCloud account, the data and accounts will be backed up.

Why is it important to clear the cache of our iPhone?

Regularly clear the cache of our mobile device It is extremely beneficial for its correct functioning. For example:

  • It contributes significantly to free up space internal storage. Although it is true that today we have various forms of cloud storage, the storage space on your iPhone is still extremely important and valued.
  • Achieve better performance of your device, so that the operation of your iPhone is smoother, faster and more efficient.
  • Increase security when using your device and better manage all the information collected by the apps installed on it.
  • Solve errors in a specific app. And in general, iOS apps go through several controls before being available in the App Store, but this does not mean that they cannot sometimes present an error or failure.

And that's all for today! Let us know in the comments what you thought of these tips so we know how to clear the app cache on your iPhone and why it is important to do so. And what do you think about clearing an app's cache?

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