How to know if I am registered with a company from my iPhone

How to know if I am registered with a company from my iPhone

Currently, from any smartphone It is possible to carry out a large number of managements, of all kinds, from the possibility of paying a fine, submitting the income tax return, taking out mortgages, even even How to know if I am registered with a company from my iPhone. If you have recently started a new job, or simply want to make sure that your company has registered you, take a look at this article so you can find out comfortably from your iPhone. 

From our iPhone and Mac it is increasingly possible to be more productive and perform actions related to our work, in a simpler, faster and more efficient way, in addition to being able to consult details about our employment status, in a reliable way, using methods and applications that help us quickly check and know our current relationship with our company. Do you want to know how to do it?

The iPhone and other gadgets as work tools  How to know if I am registered with a company from my iPhone

For years now the iPhone has ceased to be a simple which was only used to make calls, send messages or check social networks, since today it is used as a communication tool. work more in our day daily, by offering great convenience and speed to consult, from the status of our bank accounts, to our real employment situation in the administration.

Now, both the iPhone, Mac, iPad and other newer gadgets such as the Vision Pro, which are being implemented little by little, are perfect for the teleworking, since it offers many professionals the opportunity to carry out their profession not only from a company office, but also from home or another place such as a cafeteria or coworking center, as well as in the case of iPhone, to be able to consult if we are discharged for the company we are working for.

Furthermore, the iPhone, especially for many workers that begin in a new employment, and the doubt arises as to whether they have really been registered in the Social security, can become the best ally to clear up that doubt, since although the company has the obligation to do so, it is important to verify this information to ensure your labor rights. And for this there is no better than the iPhone and the following Clave app!

Check your registration status through the Cl@ve app How to know if I am registered with a company from my iPhone

the best way to How to know if I am registered with a company from my iPhone is by using this application, which allows you to verify your registration status with Social Security, just by following a few simple steps.

Download and install the Cl@ve app on your iPhone

If you don't have it yet, you can download it for free in the App Store from the following link:

Once you have downloaded it, access the Cl@ve app and log in. Remember that you can use your digital certificate, electronic DNI or Cl@ve system PIN to identify you, the latter being the simplest and fastest.

Select the option “Reports and Certificates”

Once you have identified yourself, on the main screen of the app, search and click on the option «Reports and certificates». Choose “Work Life Report”. You will see that a list of available reports will be displayed. Select “Work Life Report”.

The great advantage is that you can customize your report, since you can choose the report type that you want (complete or limited) and you will also be able to export or save it in the format you want, both (PDF or CSV).

Next you will only have to click "Generate report" where you will see the detailed report on your iPhone screen, and check whether you are really registered or not with your company.

Why is it important to be registered with Social Security?

If you have recently started working for a company, one of the first things you should check is if you have been registered, since being registered with Social Security allows you to access a series of labor rights, such as essential coverage and benefits, such as health care, coverage for possible sick leave, disability, unemployment, or rights derived from maternity or paternity when having a child. Furthermore, in terms of contributions it is mainly for retirement, since by contributing to Social Security you are accumulating rights for your future pension.

In summary, know from your iPhone if you are registered with a company It is really simple and fast, since you can verify this information easily and quickly, requesting a work life report through the application that we have seen. Remember that being registered with Social Security will allow you to access important benefits, so do not let time pass and quickly check your employment situation with the administration, even if your company has told you orally that you are registered. high from day one.

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