How to control your iPhone or iPad with your eyes using iOS 18?

Control your iPhone or iPad with your eyes using iOS 18

The recent iOS 18 release has not left anyone indifferent. There are numerous new features that Apple has incorporated in the most recent update of its mobile operating system. Today we will teach you everything about it. How to control your iPhone or iPad with your eyes using iOS 18, a new feature aimed at people who are unable to use their iPhone normally.

Eye tracking is the name with which Apple has presented this new function. It will facilitate navigation with various accessibility features, as well as completely revolutionizing the way you interact with your device.

Control your iPhone or iPad with your eyes using iOS 18

This is a new and very special feature built into iOS 18 with which Apple intends further diversify the tools it makes available to users with any type of disability or limitation that prevents you from using your iPhone or iPad normally. Control your iPhone or iPad with your eyes using iOS 18

It allows thanks to a pointer located on the screen you can control your devices with iOS 18, by performing eye movements. For example, if you look at a specific element on the screen or even if you keep your eyes fixed on a point, you can perform different actions on your mobile phone.

In addition, each of the data for the configuration and control of eye tracking are processed on the device itself.

What to do before starting the setup?

For the configuration process of this feature on your device to be optimal, it is It is necessary to take into account a series of requirements which will make this faster and more effective. Control your iPhone or iPad with your eyes using iOS 18

As they are:

  • Make sure the device's camera is find as clean as possible, since eye tracking occurs through the device's front camera.
  • The location you are in at the time of setup must be well lit.
  • The surface on which you are going to place the device will need to have good stability.
  • Keep in mind that you must place the mobile or iPad at a approximate distance of about 30 cm from your face.
  • Not all Apple iPhones are compatible with this technology, check that your device is compatible.

Set up eye tracking in iOS 18

Once all the previously stated requirements are met, You can finally start with the configuration of this functionality. Eye tracking

To do this, do the following:

  1. Go to the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad and then go to the Accessibility section.
  2. Locate the Eye Tracking option and click on it, then activate it.
  3. You will be shown a set of instructions on the device screen through which you can You will be able to calibrate eye tracking as part of the configuration.
  4. Follow the point to be displayed on the screen in the different directions shown.
  5. Please note that whenever you activate eye tracking it will be necessary to calibrate it.

How to use eye tracking?

Once this eye tracking option is activated on your device, a pointer on the screen will follow all your eye movements. As soon as the pointer detects that you are looking at a certain element on the screen, This will display an outline around said element. Eye tracking

On the other hand, if you keep your gaze fixed on a certain place on the screen a sign of permanence will be immediately displayed on that site. You will know that the hover is displayed when the pointer starts to fill up. As soon as this hover is filled then a specific action will be performed, which by default is tapping.

What adjustments can you make?

This is an option that It has several parameters that are fully adjustable to adapt it more easily to the needs of each user.

Some of the modifiable aspects are:


Increase or decrease this value to make the pointer movements smoother or respond better and faster if you increase or decrease it respectively.

Jump to the nearest item

You can make the pointer automatically move to the nearest element upon which you have directed your vision.

Zoom in on the keyboard

When you are using your device's keyboard the section of the keyboard you are viewing will increase in size to make typing much easier. Once you've zoomed in on those specific regions of the keyboard, just hold your eyes on a letter to press it.

Automatically hide the pointer

When your gaze remains fixed on a specific point on the screen the pointer will be displayed over it, but as soon as you make movements it will disappear.

What can you do with the eye tracking feature?

Without a doubt this new functionality It will be of great help to many Apple users. that have some kind of limitation that prevents them from browsing normally on their iOS devices. Here are some examples of what you can do with it:

  • Navigate in a more fluid way for all the menus and applications that you have installed on your mobile.
  • Perform additional gestures that will allow you to access a menu similar to AssistiveTouch. For example, you can access the control center, navigate through the various screens, and perform all kinds of horizontal and vertical movements, without having to touch the iPhone screen.
  • Perform all kinds of automatic actions with stay control, an especially useful option for those who require a higher level of accessibility on their devices.

These are just some of the more practical features you can do with this functionality. Remember that As you explore your own needs you will be able to further customize eye tracking, to facilitate your interaction with the device and make your experience more pleasant, fluid and effective.

And that's all for today! Let us know in the comments how similar are these tips to control your iPhone or iPad with your eyes using iOS 18. This new Apple feature will be of great help to millions of users who need it. Tell us, how could you use it?

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