The 10 best albums of all time according to Apple Music

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Music has always been the refuge and source of inspiration for millions of people in history. On this occasion, Apple Music, one of the largest streaming platforms, has made a compilation of the 10 best albums of all time. According to Apple Music, these are the ones that have left an indelible mark on the musical history of many generations, know today what they are.

From the most innovative and revolutionary albums, those that marked a before and after to true classics of your favorite singers. This Apple Music list aims to recognize the work of not only the singers, but also the entire team necessary to produce a work of such magnitude.

These are the 10 best albums of all time according to Apple Music:

The miseducation of Lauryn Hill (Lauryn Hill, 1998) The 10 best albums of all time according to Apple Music

Considered by Rolling Stones magazine as the tenth best album in history, its release was a true revelation. This managed to break important records, And in just the week following its launch, more than 422 copies were sold.

Lauryn Hill He would release his first album on August 25, 1998., and it would be precisely this one that would break all expectations. This Neo Soul album features mixes of R&B, Hip Hop, Reggae and Soul. With just one work, Lauryn Hill managed to completely redefine the entire culture of that decade.

Thriller (Michael Jackson, 1982) The 10 best albums of all time according to Apple Music

The sixth studio album by the iconic singer Michael Jackson, it would also become one of his best creations of all time. On November 29, 1982, at the hands of Epic Records The worldwide launch of this album, so acclaimed by expert critics and the general public, took place.

Although several decades have passed since its premiere, Incredibly, it still holds the title of the best-selling album in history., with a figure that exceeds 70 million copies. The musical genres that make it up include Rock, Disco, Ballads, Funk, R&B and Pop, and it also featured stellar guests such as Paul McCartney.

Abbey Road (The Beatles, 1969) The 10 best albums of all time according to Apple Music

The eleventh studio album from the extremely successful British band managed to become one of his most acclaimed works in the music industry. Its launch occurred on September 26, 1969 in the band's native country, Apple Records being responsible for this happening.

Precisely, the cover of this successful album is possibly one of the best known photographs of the Beatles, we refer to the one found crossing a pedestrian crossing on Grove End Road.

Purple Rain (Prince & The Revolution 1984) The 10 best albums of all time according to Apple Music

This time, Prince with his sixth studio album managed to position him as one of the best of all time. It was Warner Bros Records, who on June 25, 1984 was in charge of such a release. It has managed to sell more than 22 million copies and has multiple awards and recognitions, such as being recognized as a platinum album 13 times by the RIAA.

It was precisely Purple Rain, with most of its songs at the top of the main music charts, which established Prince as one of the most influential artists in history. This is also considered by Rolling Stones magazine as one of the best of the 1980s.

Blonde (Frank Ocean, 2016) The 10 best albums of all time according to Apple Music

Frank Ocean managed to surprise the entire world with this second studio album released in 2016, specifically on August 20. Important genres such as R&B, Hip Hop, Contemporary Blues and Rhythm They manage to merge in this wonderful album, giving rise to something unique and special. In his 17 songs, Ocean managed to capture and be a faithful representation of all those changes that revolutionized and represented this second decade of this century.

Songs in the Key of Life (Stevie Wonder, 1976) Songs in the Key of Life (Stevie Wonder, 1976)

Stevie Wonder He was already an established musical star in the industry when this album was released in 1976, taking a couple of years to be completed. The Motown label was behind the album's release, making the two-year delay completely worth it.

More than 9 million copies were what confirmed its enormous success, becoming one of the biggest commercial successes of the 70s. It had several records, one of them being the first album by an American artist to reach first place in this country within a week of release.

Good Kid, MAAD City (Kendrick Lamar, 2012) Good Kid, MAAD City (Kendrick Lamar, 2012)

This album is considered by many experts and specialized critics as one of the best albums released in the 2010s. In addition, it was the first studio album by the renowned singer.. The essence of this album is quite raw if we analyze it, telling Lamar's life and adolescence in the neighborhoods of Compton, California. All the hard work behind this album earned him a Grammy nomination in 2013.

Back to Black (Amy Winehouse, 2006) The 10 best albums of all time according to Apple Music

Deeply acclaimed by critics and the general public, this album achieved excellent sales in its country of origin and also in others, especially in the United States. Without a doubt, this album catapulted Amy as one of the most powerful and iconic singers of all time.

Nevermind (Nirvana, 1991) Nevermind

This was the legendary American band's second studio album. This, It was the album that made grunge known throughout the world, with the powerful voice of Kurt Cobain, lead vocalist of Nirvana. It was the first studio album that Nirvana released with DGC Records, specifically on September 24, 1976.

Lemonade (Beyoncé, 2016)

This was the sixth album by world-acclaimed singer Beyoncé. It is considered one of his best productions, without a doubt, an album that broke all the schemes and what was expected of it. Considered by many to have a colossal work, where the singer-songwriter demonstrated her immense power and vocal control.

The launch was in the hands of Parkwood Entertainment, and was produced more specifically on April 23, 2016. Inspired by the journey that every woman must take in search of improvement and healing, an example of female emancipation and empowerment.

And that's all! We hope that on this tour of the 10 best albums of all time according to Apple Music, You have found some of the most masterful creations of your favorite artists. Let us know in the comments which one is your favorite.

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